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Démarré par Cedwfox, 17 Novembre 2014 à 13:13:24

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17 Novembre 2014 à 13:13:24 Dernière édition: 17 Novembre 2014 à 13:15:37 par Cedwfox

Suite à une discussion avec Darkdoji, durant le repas du samedi soir de la finale, on evoquait le système d'Aristeia qu'il avait pondu pour la finale 2013.
Sur le forum Anglais, un Warcor a fait une proposition de son coté, que je trouve interessante :

CitationBuilding your Force.
Aristeia! is a blood sport televised and watched by almost every individual in the Human Sphere. To participate, you must have the following in your team.

One Special Operative with 24 experience. Experience is progressive - thus, if you wish your fighter to have Martial Arts 5, you must take the previous levels first. This also goes for Attributes - if you want your fighter to have Will Power +3, you must purchase Will Power +1 first. Your Special Operative is automatically your Lieutenant.

This is a 50 pt list - so your fighter can have companions - but but no more than four. This means that any team can consist of no more than 5 individuals. This team will obviously have an SWC of 1.

Though this force may look like they are trained military agents, they are not nor are they able to form linked teams.

The Round
Each game is played on a 24" wide x 48" long. Your teams deploys in the first 6" of the board. You may have drop troops, but you may not take advantage of hidden deployment. All Camouflaged Troops must be deployed as a marker.

On the board, there is six hazard markers - you can attempt to discover what they are at a distance with a WP roll at -6. They can be activated by going into base to base contact with the marker - and it will do one of the following (the organizer rolls a d20 and consults the result.)

Sentry Turret: A Sentry Turret pops up in place of the hazard marker. It has a 360o Visor, Total Reaction, and is Armed with a Combi-Rifle. It has ARM 1, and STR 1. It attacks any model that walks through it's Line of Sight.

EXPLOSION!: Place a blast template over the hazard marker. Anyone underneath the template takes a Damage 14 hit, and is subject to the Concussive Force rule (A model hit with a concussive force weapon must make a PH test. If they fail, the model is knocked directly back that many inches).

Booty: You may roll on the Booty Lv.2 chart. Once the item has been discovered, it comes in as a PH 8 drop crate, which can be claimed by anyone near the crate by moving into close contact with it.

Release the Kraken!: Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-5, a Security TAG is dropped onto the board. On a roll of 6-10, a Urgarat Death Reaper is dropped on to the board. Their stats are as follows:

There can only be one of these models on the board at a single time. They act immediately, and get their own turn which they act against the closest model.

Your team gains credits for performing admirably during the duel. The scoring is as follows:

At the end of the match, you must tally up your total score. The winner of the match is the one with the highest score.

Darkdo, voila de quoi je te parlais :)
On dit GENERALISTE, pas Vanilla. La vanille c'est un parfum de glace (ou de yaourt) !


Cool !

Un petit Aristeia N3 pour se mettre au bain tranquillou !

Comme j'avais une petite idée de table...  :P
"Une fois que tu as mis le doigt dans Infinity, tu peux dire "Au revoir" à l'espèce marine"
"Le Canada, c'est pas la terre à délits"
"Toujours boire de l'eau après un scénario "arrangé""


un autre optique en plus de points, du coup il doit jouer sur une table classique, pas du 60*60 comme ma version je pense
Warcor Lyon

et la le Ninja hacker répondit à l'Avatar: bzzzzzzjopj! et celui-ci s'évanouit sous tant de violence ...


Moi j'imaginais un truc à ton format, c'est à dire avec un spec ops sur du 60*60 mais à la difference que les figs demarrent seulement avec un pistolet et un couteau.
Poser plusieurs caisses sur la tables pour aller chercher de l'équipement (avec un tirage au hasard sur les des 2 tableaux de butin) et en ajoutant ses surprises à lui (enfin en modifiant les profils parce que 5W pour une bestiole, ca me parait enorme). Je pense que ca pourrait être drole :D
L'idée etant que si on a qu'une fig à activer, on peut jouer facilement à 3-4-5 dans la meme arene ;)

Bref, Y a moyen de creuser un truc parce que de prime abord, ce que je propose n'est pas très équilibré... Ca reste un jeu de figs ;)
On dit GENERALISTE, pas Vanilla. La vanille c'est un parfum de glace (ou de yaourt) !